Don’t Make Assumptions.

Further elaborating on the Four Agreements theme:

Don’t make assumptions.

Which I’m sure is pretty obvious, goes hand in hand with not taking things personally.

I probably make about 834538543875438.7 assumptions a day.

Who doesn’t?

Okay, okay. So not that many. But, still. You get the point.

Without even knowing it, assumptions form before words.

Just by a single glance. One harsh {misunderstood} sentence. Or text. Or email.

Note to self: stop trying to decipher “tone” in email or text. Bad idea.

I’m really working on this assumption thing. Putting an end to it. Walking into things clear minded and headed.

As stated: “whenever we make assumptions, we’re asking for problems.

We make an assumption, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a whole big drama for nothing.

All the sadness and drama you have lived in your life was rooted in making assumptions and taking things personally.

Take a moment to consider the truth of this statement.”

I did take a moment to consider this. A rather one long, at that.

For the most part, pretty darn accurate.

So. From here on out, as I am publicly stating here …

I do hereby promise to try my best at not taking things personally and/or/nor making crazy loco assumptions.

May I follow in the path set before me in the best way, my best way possible.

May all of us.

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