The Fam.

Homegirl is back where she belongs — with me.

Part of The Fam arrived last night, at 11p.m. The late hour did nothing to deter my littles… they came bounding and tearing through the house, as though a day had not passed that they’d last been here.

We spent an hour and a half … chasing, playing, laughing, imagining … immediately thrown back into their magical world.

They snuggled up to me at 12:30 in the morning for a story, and all of us were asleep in no time.

I thought it was a bad dream when at 6:06, they came running down the hallway, shouting their awakeness and presence.

Asking, “Auntie, ARE YOU AWAKE.”

Pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to sleep through that ruckus. Brother pretended he was out for the count still, but I wasn’t fooled.

It’s these moments though, late nights and early mornings, where I feel so blessed, and so thankful for the sound of their feet and the joy in their shouts and excitement.

Thanksgiving, it is.

The rest of The Fam arrives in just a few hours … and that would be Maman. Then we’ll have come full circle.

Can hardly contain my own excitement for these next couple days.

To a fabulous Thanksgiving Eve …

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