
Given our country’s most recent {SandyHook} tragedy … I can’t help but think of that as me.

I see the faces of those children, as though I am looking at my own M&M’s. Or it’s my child whose loss I must face. My mother, my father, my friend.

I still believe in the good … that’s not going anywhere, but I am also brought back to a wake up call.

Stunning events always have this sobering effect on me. That strong message and harsh reminder to love, to cherish to be and give joy.

I am thankful that we are blissfully unaware of when moments — any moment — may be our last. Otherwise, I don’t think we’d be able to function. How could we?

We’d be holding our breaths, frozen in place with a fear to even move.

This morning, it was Guru who I was specifically thinking about. About … just how much he’s changed my life and how clueless he is to that.

How I can’t imagine my world without him in it and that one day, he won’t be. This is the reality, the circle and the cycle.

But the thought of it, was utterly unbearable.

I know some people probably think we have an odd relationship. An old man and a young{er-ish} girl always holds a certain connotation. But to hell with what anyone thinks.

He’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me, people-wise.  And I perpetually wonder, what did I do to deserve someone this good, this brilliant in my life? Someone who loves and accepts me just as I am. Without trying to change a single thing.

We need more of this love.

So much of the love we hear about is meant in too much of what I deem as secular and inclusive.

As in : we love our family, our friends, our children. But what about just all of us as people?

Even talking to Brother, who spends a fair amount of time with me and Guru, cringed when I mentioned the word, “love” in conjunction with him.

This was specifically in reference to me making a comment that I wanted to tell Guru how much I love him.

What is wrong with that? And why did I suddenly feel ashamed? When I do love him. Obvs, not like I do with The BF, but in that family, grandfather-esque way.

What am I waiting for?

Shouldn’t we be telling everyone who means something to us how important they are? Love love and love. It really comes back to that, People.

Starting in high school, I framed a card with my favorite Mother Theresa quote :  “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

I can’t tell you how many dark nights this quote got me through, other than, a lot. Anytime I felt betrayed, heartbroken, faithless, those words brought me back … keep loving.

Don’t let anything, or anyone, take that from you.


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