Because Everyone Needs A Good Laugh.

Albeit, mine are usually inappropriate — you have been forewarned, People!

Let this also serve as notice that I use humor to get me through life. Meaning: when I’m embarrassed, I laugh. Uncomfortable? I laugh. Upset? Usually laugh – though it starts as a weird chuckle at first.

I’m sure I’ve laughed at way too many moments when I shouldn’t have been laughing. Forget “sure”, I know this, because Maman and TC shot me many a “stop fing laughing NOW” looks throughout my teenage years and into my 20s. Okay, so they still do.

I can’t help it, it’s just me, and how I roll. Alright, alright — and cope with things. Humor will always be my go to. I find this is a better idea than say, oh, drugs or alcohol.

Just picture the look on my face, as I was driving with TC this afternoon and passed this beaut of a sign. I immediately slammed on the brakes and did an illegal u-turn, all the while TC was screaming like a little girl.

I really wanted to walk in the De George store and be all, “two to eight inches, that’s it?!” but TC said he’d disown me and I think he was serious.

Real life, People. Crazier and more humorous than anything we could ever dream up.

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