From The Car.

Would you believe me if I told you I’m typing this en route to chez nous?

Believe it, Peeps. I’m that psychotic about getting my What You Be in that I type from the car. Probs, I tell you. Probs.

I’ve slept almost the entire drive. Poor Brother. Taking one for the team. But I haven’t really felt in any condition to drive. I think – okay, know – I’ve been hit with something these past couple days.

I just like to be in denial when I don’t feel well and try to not talk too much about it or feed that energy. When not feeling well I strongly believe in the following :

Yoga, Vitamin C, Sleep and more yoga. Specifically all the immune boosting poses. I made sure, despite the time crunch having been on the road this weekend and the birthday party, to still get my yoga in and on.

It’s pouring rain right now, the kind where you just want to be home and hope it doesn’t continue to come down any faster …. Or how will you see? Home. How I miss you.

Although I suppose that word is about to have a new meaning by next weekend. Strange I’ll {we’ll} be moving. I’m excited about this new phase of my life. But a little nervous, too. Or maybe scared is a more appropriate term?

I’m not sure how I’m going to make it without Brother. How will I? How will I be able to function living apart? The years I was in L.A. amazed me that I could make it so far from him. Looking back on that time, is part wonderment in how I actually did it without him.

Are you wondering right now what the hell is wrong with me and I sound like the weirdest person ever for being on the verge of a breakdown about my brother?

I know. I don’t blame you. I probably am.

Then again. Brother and I share, what I believe, is an unusual sibling relationship. The one where we tell each other everything and are always honest with each other and harbor only minimal ill will that dissipates in a matter of seconds to goodwill.

He’s the closest person to me. No one else shares my beginning and our family history. I have no doubt when I was contemplating my earthly return, Brother was the deciding factor.

So yeah. I’m sad. Sad to leave him. For the four long, far away miles I’m going. Ridiculous.

And then there’s the animals. I’m not taking B. She’s equally tied to both of us, but I don’t feel right yanking her out her home and familiar space. Plus The BF has Murphy and he, in all of his adorableness, is more than enough to handle.

So then there begs the question of, what about all my daily walks with B? What about walking over to see Guru? What about … I could make up a lengthy list.  But let’s not go there. I’m not up for a breakdown in the car.

When I know, it’s not going to be nearly as big of a deal as I think it’s going to be. Is it ever? So I’m really trying not to get too caught up in my mind.

However. The cats. Haven’t even touched on those lovelies yet. They, too, are staying. It was too much to try to figure them out. See. Benny and Stella are a package deal. They’re always together, and I’d never want to break them up. But I don’t want two cats. Then Minerva. Brother said he’d really miss her so I figured she better stay as well.

We all know that in no time I’ll probably have a cat or four. They find me. It’s just what happens. But damn am I going to miss them. Those purrs and soft fur all snuggled up next to me. Must stop discussing.

Instead I shall think of all the fun things that lie ahead, minus moving. Inevitably, moving pops in to my head and I want to panic and freak the F out. So we shall skip over that and think lovely thoughts of …

Ikea, estate sale finds, my family antiques … creating new spaces, new beginnings, all the memories to be had.

There’s so much to look forward to and be excited about. Always. It’s there. It might sometimes be the littlest, stupidest things, but there is joy and excitement to be found.

Anywhere. Anytime. That’s what we do at What You Be, right?

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