Taking It Grampa Style.

It’s no secret that as a Taurus, there’s possibly nothing I love more {not counting My People} than the thrill of a good bargain.

Oh, the rush. The excitement! The high! I get all weak in the knees. The adrenaline starts pumping. I tell you, it is a drug.

Enter my Mecca : Valley Thrift. Be still my beating heart, be still.

That’s right, I spent this morning {after bidding adieu to my littles}, popping tags, yo!

But things did not start off smoothly. At all. To slightly back track …

I founds myself feeling really angry last night. I thought part of this was me needing yoga and being under exercised with the fam in town. Totally feel like a dog on an ep of the Dog Whisperer, Cesar could be referring to me as under exercised, high energy, needing to find a redirection of focus for me.

So just think of me with Cesar, or being trained by Cesar right now.

And please note : I am not proud of what I am about to say. By any means. But I’m keeping it real, Peeps. Just for you.

I pull into the Valley Thrift parking lot, which is like a freaking … I don’t know what … Zoo … crazy town. Barely a spot left when I see a car pulling out not far from me.

I signal and proceed to wait. When some a-hole in a Black Envoy comes zipping around the corner, and takes my spot.

My GD spot, People! THE NERVE!

And like a dam trying to hold back the water, that suddenly collapses, I, too, broke.

Something in me snapped. Those Peeps who lose it and go all crazy … the ones that I’m always like, WTF is their prob? They need to get a grip and get shit together … um … yeah … will never ever again think they’re out of control.

I became that crazed person in that instant. The anger over runneth and took over me.

People, it was so crazy. My heart started pounding. I felt a pure rage and I’m not even being the slightest bit dramatic by that. It was an anger I have not felt in years, that I never imagined nor knew was inside of me.

I did what I neverĀ  do — because trust me, I avoid confrontation like the plague. Calling random strangers out on their shit? Yeah. Never do it! Never even crosses my mind. Me? Rock the boat? Fat chance.

This isn’t to say I can’t handle confrontation, because I can and I actually think I handle those situations well in my personal life … but this … this was a low moment.

I honked the horn to get the guys attention. He turns around to look at me and I’m pointing at the space {eyes wild, I’m sure} and mouth “you took my spot!”.

Man shrugs his shoulders at me and does everything but give me the finger. So I lay on the horn. I probably didn’t take my fingers off that sucker for a solid 30 seconds — which is a long time in a parking lot not moving.

I would not be denied. The GD f-ing nerve! WHO DOES THAT?! The anger was coming out at all directions.

Man still does everything but give me the finger. I drive off. Park in a space and quickly haul ass out of the car. This is the moment that I’m sure anyone with me would have been downright mortified.

The unthinkable thing that I never do — full on confrontation. I walk over to the guy’s car. He’s not getting out. I wouldn’t have wanted to either at the sight of me.

So I start talking to him. But thankfully, probably due to The People, some semblance of clarity washes over me. I become a tad bit more … controlled.

And I {only slightly, to make sure he could hear me} yell. I said how rude and downright mean spirited it was to take my spot when I had clearly been waiting. I said his actions were a bigger reflection of life and that I hope in the future he thinks twice before stealing someone’s space and starts treating People with common courtesy and kindness. And then I wished him happy thrifting.

Looky there, I pulled it together enough to wish him happy thrifting. Totally didn’t mean it at the time, but that’s beside the point.

I walked off heart madly pounding. Palms sweating. Wanting to toss my coffee all over that damn Envoy.

But I did it. I did something I have literally never done before. So out of character, but kinda-ish deliveredish a message that hopefully didn’t sound too full of rage.

While I’m far from proud of my outburst of anger, I am proud that I did something I’ve never done before – called someone out on an unkind action.

Granted, it was rough. My words might have sounded halfway decent, but I was full of anger when I delivered them, and the energy can never be faked. It radiated off of me.

There is vast room for improvement. There is much more work to be done than I realize. There is more compassion that I want to start practicing for others.

Yes, my spot was taken, but I could have looked at it differently. Maybe he felt he needed the spot for a physical reason, or … ummm … can’t think of anything else, but the point is — I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

Yoga always sites using our anger … taking our inner anger and transforming that, the way a Warrior does. Keeping calm mind and heart in the midst of anger so that it may be turned to greatness and positivity.

I lost my cool. Something that usually does not happen with me. I felt horribly out of control. When that’s not me. That’s not who I want to be.

Yes, I want to be strong enough to tell another when I think their actions have hurt me or someone else, but I want to do it the yoga way; the Warrior Way.

That Way is a Way that cannot be faked.

My run in this morning made me realize, while I’ve come far, there is still farther to go. This is good. This is the Path I’ve asked for and want to be on.

I want to be the example. I want to be able to show others so that they know what they are capable of and vice versa. But in order to do that, I must become the Way.

The Way is hard. It sometimes feels way too higher than thou and do-gooder for me to handle. When deep down, I know it’s the answer for me. I’m glad I can reflect here and share with you and hopefully you don’t think less of me, nor that I’m crazy.

Going from my : love is so easy, love is not so easy and all my other ups and downs and highs and lows that happen.

I just like to think this is real life for a lot of us … we have the moments of clarity and ease … where we are so connected and tuned in and then the not so pretty that I’d really like to cover up, but that just wouldn’t be me being me then.

In exciting, non angry, spot stealing Valley Thrift news : Popping tags did not disappoint today. I found such great stuff for The BF. Oh, the deals. Makes me all blurry eyed thinking about it.

The sport coat that was $.04 {!!!!!!!!!}, the $.50 Eddie Bauer pants and the best of all … Robert James shirt, unworn, with the tags still on. Retail price : $188! Purchased for $6.99.

I’m currently on the hunt for a wedding dress. Did you just cringe like Maman? And maybe were all, “wtf, buying your wedding dress in a damn thrift shop!” … that’s how I roll, Peeps.

I mean, the amount of stuff that’s never been used {such as my awesome jean jacket from Gap with the $80 price tag still on it} is incredible.

Hey, I try to never rule anything out … all possibilities possible, right? This includes loving my parking space stealing peeps, too. Though I don’t want to, The Way is calling out to me here.

And also that quote, by whom I cannot remember … but it goes something like “those who seem to deserve your love the least are the ones who need it the most.”

Why does this almost always mean these peeps are so hard to deal with? Can’t we just all get along and be nice?



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