The Mystic.

The other day was one of those days where I wanted anything but to move.

The mere thought of taking Murph outside in the cold February afternoon, was enough to make me pull out a few blankets and curl up in bed for a nap.

These kinds of days are the ones that really push me, all thanks to Resistance. I really should be thanking Resistance.

Thanks, Resistance, the pain in the ass that you truly are.

I now know better on these I-don’t-wanna-do-a-damn-thing days that the best thing for me is to go outside and move, is to do yoga. People, I promise you, it is never not a winner, never not a bad idea to walk out your front door and start moving.

Something happens when movement and fresh air meet. And it’s not just me saying that. This is our smarty medical peeps, too, who will tell you all about the zillions of things it does to our brain waves and patterns.

This and yoga are my solutions to almost everything in my life. Not feeling well? Move. Stressed? Move. Depressed? Move. Anxious and angry? Move yo ass!

As Murph and I started to settle into our pace, after 189 times of sniffing grass and trees and everything else imaginable dogs stop to smell and mark their territory all over, I kept thinking of a nearby park.

A little over a mile away, and in the complete opposite direction of where we were headed, I turned us around. I also now know enough to know that when I get these “hunches”, I need to follow through.

We arrive at the park and stop a minimum of 79 more times. It would be walk two feet, five if I was really lucky, stop. Smell. One step forward, nine back. Yes, Murph has a thing about smelling. It’s crazy. I’ve never been around a dog who wants to smell so damn much.

Or is this more normal than I realize and it’s just because B wouldn’t dare stop for that long unless it involved serious treats and rewards.  I prob could blame Guru and his Costco size of Beggin’ Strips for that. And the Reese’s cups.

I was starting to become a little agitated with Murph, I mean, it’s a walk! Walks mean you walk. Forget all this GD smelling and get on with it already!

I thought we were making real progress when we had made it halfway across the park, getting ready to head back the way we came, when he stopped again. As I waited, I admired the sunlight shining through one of the trees. It was a perfect picture, but People, one of the biggest pains about winter and glove wearing?

Having to try to get my cell phone out of my coat pocket. Somehow it always gets nestled in just the right spot that I have trouble getting it out and feel utterly clumsy as I then have to take my glove off, put my glove back on because now my hand is freezing and then fumble around again trying to get my phone unlocked. Not to mention the further fumble and bumble of trying to touch anything on the damn screen.

Touch screen gloves still have a way to go in terms of perfecting a product. By the way, Isotoner, you need to get on that. Like last winter on it.

All that trouble of getting my iphone out and I’m all, oh F that. Do I really need another sun shining through trees pic, and put my phone away.  Really now. I only have a couple thousand of those. But Higher Self told me, take the f-ing picture.

And of course I had to talk back to Higher Self and be like, f the picture, f this cold weather, the dog has actually stopped smelling every damn thing in park radius, our asses are going home! I put my phone back in my pocket, and continued walking. For about ten seconds. Because.

Talking back to Higher Selves? Never a good idea. They become relentless pretty quick.Finesothere! More fumbling of getting phone back out and I took the GD picture. I didn’t even bother looking at it till the next day. And was instantly floored.

People. Pray, do tell, what is this red sphereish, circleish thing up in the tree?

Looking at the placement of the sun, it doesn’t make sense that it could be a reflection. Granted, I’m no photog expert, however, it just seems like there’s more going on here than meets the eye.

You’re not going to be able to convince me otherwise. To me, this is the magical and the mystical in the everyday. Because the everyday is both of these things.

Sure, it feels so similar, so ho-hum and boring and routine routine — and it can be all of these things, that’s normal.  But, we need to remember the other things, the anything-but-boring ones, that are happening around us at all times. Things I believe we can’t see, but feel.

Those intuitive “hunches”, for example. Or, how we’ll be thinking of someone and then bump into them at a store. These little synchronicities represent a bigger pattern and plan.

I call this God {though I wish I had a better word to use for you traumatized Church peeps, it’s too bad God can be such a loaded gun barrel} and The People.

Simply put, it’s the divine, the spark that exists in all of us living beings.

When I capture these moments in the physical for my eyes to take in and see, it’s my confirmation. One, that I should prob keep listening to Higher Self, ’cause Higher Self really does know what’s up. And, two, relish this life.

It’s life! Life happening through life happening through life. Isn’t that itself miraculous? And I get to be a part of it, we all do! Our little part within the bigger part.

The magic is here. Literally, right here. Surrounding us. I think it becomes a question of trusting that it’s there, of keeping that faith. Billy Joel. He freaking rocks.

Yes, I still listen to Billy Joel. No, I’m not afraid to admit it. And, yes, he has the same initials as Maman.

Hey, I’m just keeping the faith, People.





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