Birthday Month.

Glorious, glorious May. My favorite month out of the whole year.

Okay, so yeah, it’s Birthday Month, which probably has a little something to do with my preferential treatment, but I personally can’t think of a more beautiful month.

There is something symbolic about May to me. It is the arrival of all things clean and fresh. Good and beautiful. We are now officially past winter and the changing temps of April and rain.

We are brought to gorgeous 70 degree filled weather. All this warm sunshine. And the flowers. Don’t even get me started on the flowers … but not like I garden. I just admire from afar. I’m the weirdo who stops to stare at other people’s flowers. And then try to convince TC and Brother to plant some for me.

I’ll keep you posted on that front.

With the start of May, I am feeling positive and relieved. April kicked my ass all over and back a few times. Although there were some bright spot moments, too — Hello, Paris! But mainly it seems I spent the majority of the month in turmoil.

Now that those waters have been navigated, albeit, not that smoothly, I am looking forward and ahead to the new and trying to embrace these changes as a means The Universe has in store to get me to wherever I’m supposed to be … wherever the hell that is?

This month: less questioning. More trusting. Less hiding. More connecting.

And for those of you who can’t help but read your horoscope at the start of a new month, hurry up and check out the amazing Susan Miller.

Sister here knows what the F is up in the astrological realms. For real – I read mine a few times during the month and take her planetary advice. Then again, I’m a double weirdo because I also ask people {soon after meeting, triply weird and creepy? Probs.} what their birthdate and birth time is.

Hey, I just like to cross reference compatibilities.

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