Mr & Mrs

Okay, People. Bear with me here.

Because, for one of the few times in my entire life, I’m letting myself off the hook.

I’m still showing up, because this is a kind of lifeline for me, but it’s not going to be much.

I’m a Mrs now and that means, like with all things, I have to take a few days to ponder and soak it in. Not that it feels any different. It doesn’t, at all. Really.

I thought maybe it would, but that’s probably because everyone else told me it would. Reminder to Self: Listen To No One.

I can tell you this though: all went perfectly. In all of its imperfection.

Like how I couldn’t find my deodorant so I used Johnson’s Baby Powder instead. Except it’s really hard to put on baby powder on your armpits without it spilling so then of course I was desperately trying to rub it out of my dress and use minimal water.

And how my dad and I both tried to go out the door at the same time and we got stuck, then came fumbling out. So much for a graceful entrance. We stumbled and bumbled the whole way, with TC talking — imagine that. And me saying, shut the f up, I don’t know if our guests can hear you!

It truly was a relaxing day. I didn’t stress once. It’s a little hard to stress when you’re surrounded by immediate family. I mean, I knew if I made a complete jack ass out of myself, they’d still talk to me … at some point.

I slept into 11 yesterday. I got in a nice walk and yoga. But. I did forget to wash my hair. Fail on the hair front, but let’s be real — when does my hair ever look presentable? And when do I ever do anything with it? Precisely, I don’t, so why start at a wedding?

Today, has been marveling at the fact that, I am married. And being able to say, husband! Please bring me food.  Or any number of my other requests, because that’s what husbands do, right?


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