Happy Soul Day.

I know I say this every single damn time I’m back in Virginia, but it truly is strange.

It’s more strange now that I am preparing to be a mother and preg. Because I am met head on with my past, my childhood and I realize just how vastly different my child’s childhood {at least the beginning part} is going to be from my own.

Not that that is either good or bad. Just an observation. I think we get used to the way we grew up, the things we did, the sights we were surrounded by, and that’s what strikes me as odd — my child will not experience what I experienced.

There will be no binding history there in that way.

A dose of strange yet undeniable comfort being here. Mainly that’s Maman, I’m sure. However, I can’t help but feel reassured, soothed, being in a place I lived in for 23 years.

It’s wonderful to wake up to my morning ritual of The Washington Post and coffee. Leisurely taking my time.

What a day, we’ve had. A long walk through the charming Arlington city neighborhoods, yoga, a nap and The Mothership: Tyson’s for shopping.

Naturally, Maman and I only made it to three places — Louis Vuitton {I keep telling Maman she deserves a luxury good she’ll use forever!}, Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom’s. We’re slow like that. Perfumes, lipsticks, sunnies and handbags. And a dose of the most adorable baby clothes ever.

Talk about pure glory. We were there and basking in it. Fine handbags do that to me. As does Christian Dior lipstick. I like to fancy myself a lipstick connoisseur of sorts. I’ve tried them all from Revlon and L’OrĂ©al to Mac to Chanel.

I know lipstick.

And I know all the good ones at the right price points — take my word for it, I own a wide range. I have a slight thing for lipsticks. They’re a fun indulgence that won’t break the bank.

See, with that kind of back info, you can trust me when I say that Dior makes a killer lipstick. It’s like a lip balm and gloss {without it drying out your lips — my one lip gloss complaint} and lipstick all in one. I think they’re sneaky like that so us gals can justify the price.

So much for my plan of hopping on the metro for two stops to check out museums today. That’s what the lure and call of Tyson’s does to you. Worth every hour there.

But enough of the material world.

Today is a very special and very monumental day, People. It’s Soul Day.

FOH’s {The Babe} Soul day. See, the Yogis believe that at the 120th day of pregnancy, the soul joins the body. This is also the recommended point that yoga poses are now modified for the remainder of pregnancy.

The Yogis further believe that parenting begins now. Now! Holy hell. Do you have any idea the kind of pressure that is? JC!

In the yoga community, they hold a ceremony for women on this 120th day, give them a blessing and prayer and tell them to go home, don’t work, relax, and spend as much time as possible in meditation.

Sounds pretty damn good to me.

So I’m supposed to be all calm and positive and joyful. GD, it’s a lot, People. I mean, who in their right mind, can be that damn Zenned out all the time?!

I’m going to give it my best efforts though. Since now I’ve got a full fledged, soul bound baby in here, who is picking up on my every emotional state and feeling.

Yeah, no pressure. None at all.

While I’m not receiving an official “Yogi” blessing and prayer, Maman and I have held our own little ceremony. Which I consider to be just as good.

Pretty incredible, isn’t it? A real little person in here. Once again, my little FOH, is proving to be quite The Teacher for her Mama.

I’m now actually left with having to put into practice my teachings, readings, yoga practice and life philosophies. And that, People, is a huge gift. I don’t know if I’d ever have otherwise willingly taken my own self mastery game to another level.

Happy Soul Day, baby. You are my greatest creation.



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