
Sometimes, okay okay — a lot of times, I get into these foul moods.

Alright, really, it’s just a foul mood, usually involving our home. Over something I think isn’t “good enough” or “clean enough” — like the glass stove top. Argh! Glass stove tops, be dammed.

I demand to know whose idea it was to go to production on those, anyway? I go nuts trying to get that damn f-ing thing clean and it never ever EVER is. It seems even something as simple as boiling water burns the burner and leaves that lovely ring around the outer edges.

Our stove is a class 1 torturer. Either that or I have some “situational ideas” about cleanliness. Probably a combo of both. It’s just …

I like things to look nice. I like to take care of the things that I have. This is why I have a strict no shoes allowed in the house policy. Why do that to myself? And why oh why create more work of me having to clean and scrub floors unnecessarily so?

Of course, no point in that.

There’s also no point in me trying to pick apart every single thing wrong with the house. That could easily be a long and very lengthly list, if I wanted it to be.

It’s an older home. Things need to be tended to, some more than others. I can’t stand when I start fixating on all the “not right”, because it really is a complete snowball effect that only leaves me feeling shitty and in one very bad mood.

So there’s chips in the woodworking paint. Is that really important? Does it truly matter?

I find no good reason for me to get so damn bent out of shape over these trivial items when there’s so much that does look good and that I love about our house.

I am going to unfocus so as to refocus. I am going to take the spot-on advice of Guru B and, “look for beauty in simple things – be amazed by the creation and design of something small, such as a window and window frame. Sit there in tranquility and meditate on its beauty and feel its existence. You are basking in the love of the present, or as OB1 calls it, the FORCE.”

People. This is just brilliance, isn’t it? It’s so simple and full of exactly what I need to be doing. This is why everyone needs a Guru.

I’m going to stare at one my windows and I’m going to find that beauty and stillness, dammit. I’m going to feel THE FORCE from the window.

And then I’m going to tell you all about it.

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