
Since becoming preg, I’ve been having one hell of a time dealing with and handling the most intense onslaught of emotion, at the most random of times.

If emotion was a drive by shooter, I’d be its main target, People.

Figuring out how to best deal and handle this emotion has been something. By no means is it a daily occurrence, thankfully, but when it happens, omfg. Watch out. And step back. I’d probably be able to set off a fuse within 50 feet of me.

Here’s what happens.

I’m going about my day or evening and all is fine. Suddenly all is not fine, not even remotely close to fine because of something seemingly insignificant and pretty stupid. Last night it was telling The BF not to worry about the $30 he owed TC because TC had asked me to pay him the other day.

Rationally, I knew it didn’t make sense to get upset over $30. But try telling that to your emotional self! Emotional Self does not give a shit because any and everything is a valid reason to want to fly off the f-ing handle and lose it.

I was overcome with such strong negative, hurtful, angry emotion, that People, I considered taking a walk at 10p.m. alone.

The BF still doesn’t quite get that when these emotional outbursts occur, not to talk to me. It is just not the time. I’m aware enough to realize that I’m not going to make sense and there’s a strong likelihood that I could be … not so nice. 

The majority of this emotion, I believe, is from being preg. I’m just not myself. No pregnant woman is. My entire body chemistry has shifted and is in flux. Hell, I’m growing an entire person. That will do a number on anyone. Well, any of us girls, that is. 

So, what do I do about this?

The only solution I’ve found that actually helps me when I’m in the throws of such red hot emotion is to breathe. Now it’s the last thing I actually feel like doing. I’d much prefer to throw something, preferably something that will break something. But that doesn’t make sense. The satisfaction lasts about one second and the clean up typically around 30 minutes. That’s not a high pay out.

Yoga and walking are huge helpers, too, given it’s not super late at night. But, still. Nothing beats the act of long deep breathing. Because even when I do move my body, I find my breaths are still short or choppy — therefore, I’m still in the same state.

I always initially resist long deep breathing. Maybe because I know it helps and I want to cling to my anger a little longer and stay justified in it. Once I get over about eight deep breaths or so though, I immediately relax. I start to feel the tension go and the intensity of what I’m feeling ease up.

Our breath is integrated into our entire bodily system. Therefore when we slow the breath, we’re going to slow our nervous system, and every other system, down.

Our emotional states require specific breath patterns to sustain them! I promise, you will feel better just by breathing.

And be easy on yourself. We all have anger and that’s okay. The key is to channel that towards something productive and positive. Yoga always talks about our inner anger as one of our greatest sources of inspiration.

There you have it, People. My grand solution. You know, since I can’t pop a valium or any other kind of prescription drug right now. Kidding. Kidding.

The next time you want to fly off the handle and lose your shit, just breathe.


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