10 DAYS.

Sometime within the next 10 days, I’ll become a mother.

I will wake up, as I always do … as me. And then will come the morning, where I am no longer me. No longer defined by what I thought I was defined by and as.

I would have suddenly, instantly seeming, turned into a parent. I know I won’t be able to look at anything the same again, because now, there will be this living part of me that will be a huge part of my focus.

It’s a mind trip, for sure, People. One I’m sure I’ll be attempting to wrap my head around for years to come.

I had my appointment today and am thrilled that my fluid level is great, hurrah on no induction and everything else is looking damn good, too. Baby FOH was alternating between fingers and toes in the mouth. They must have tasted pretty good in there. I had fruit about an hour prior to the ultrasound and it turns the amniotic fluid sweet, hence fingers and toes action. It apparently is quite tasty for them.

When I came home, I was just exhausted. Still am. About to head to bed. I keep finding I hit these walls of fatigue where I just have to lay down or stop what I’m doing to rest.

I’m looking forward to feeling more energetic and me once this kid arrives!

Now that I’m in the final 10 day countdown, start saying and sending the prayers, People. I need all I can get! I believe all that good energy can only help.

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