Wake Up Call.

I’m not going to lie.

When I hear FOH stirring in the morning, I immediately think, shit! Please please please please PLEEEEEASE fall back asleep. 

I don’t believe any mom who doesn’t think this. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want more sleep?

Of course, every single damn time he never does fall back to bed. When he’s up, he is up. It must be a baby/toddler/child thing. Once teenagerhood hits we lose this and can easily close our eyes and fall back asleep. Clearly this is still me well in to adulthood, too.

But, People. Listen to this. What I was afraid I would never really feel turns out to be true … it is so easy to get up when this face is staring at me.

So happy. So full of excitement for the day ahead.

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Yeah, it’s a pain in the ass to wake up in the middle of the night to pump or feed him and go back to bed only to be awoken an hour later. But when I hear him, just laying there, cooing and making his trying to talk sounds, there is no annoyance.

There’s no, what the hell have I done here thoughts. It’s explosive love — albeit, a somewhat tired one.

How can my day not start off fabulously when this is the first thing my eyes are lucky enough to see?

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