Going, Going, Gone.

OMFG, People. OMFG.

Should I add a third, OMFG, in? I think I just did.

Today was a monumental day — Gpa’s Estate Auction.

I know this has been anything but easy on Maman, and my Uncle and Aunt. To be left with a house full of two parents’ lives that hasn’t been cleaned out or cleared out since the early 60’s is nothing short of a massive undertaking.

They have spent hours, days, weeks, you get the picture. And now, it came to this …

My grandfather’s entire life — spread out on public display. An entire lifetime of one individual being summarized by winning bids.

Now, look. I understand. This was the best route. What else was there to do? How else to go about it? It was the best case scenario. And it’s not like any of us are prepared to take on that much stuff.

But still. It was hard. Incredibly hard, People. I fought back tears early on. Especially when I first got out of the car and saw the entire yard – front, side and back {and this is one sprawling lot}, including the sidewalks and driveway were lined table to table … my grandparents’ Schwin bikes from when they were first married. Childhood toys of Maman’s. It was endless. Completely endless.

And I was horrified, to discover, some things that slipped through the cracks and made it into the auction.

Mainly my grandfather’s WWII memorabilia. This was something that Brother and I shared so closely with Gpa … we were the ones he told his stories to, shared those sacred memories with. We have deep ties to those things and I strongly believe — these are things that should be kept within the family.

Was I going to let some collector buy my grandfather’s Air Force winter coat that he wore in Italy to sell off? Oh hell to the no. Bidding wars were had. And I’m sure you know who won those.

Never put a Taurus in an auction if you want something — because we will win. I spent hundreds of dollars having to buy back more war coats, uniforms and my great grandfather’s police coats.

It struck me today as downright absurd — having to buy back what is already rightfully ours.

Yet then I look at this face and every penny spent today was worth it. Yeah, this, too, was in there. WTF. His basic training graduation picture?!

I swear I kept hearing Gpa during the day shouting many, Jesus Christs’ and holy shits. But I have no doubt, that had he been with us in the physical, he would have been laughing. He would have taken it in stride — minus heckling on some prices, but that’s to be expected, right?

The aftermath of this day is just now starting to hit me. It’s been non stop since 11a.m. and this is the first time all day I’ve actually had time to sit down.

I am spent — emotionally drained.

Yet thankful and content that the things that meant something to me I am able to continue holding on to and one day I will pass them along to my family.

I miss you, Old Soldier.


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