
I can hardly justify this as disarray. I mean, I can and I am, in my Total Taurus who loves everything in its proper place.

But I am also acknowledging that probably somewhere around 99% of People would not consider this “disarray”.

I am, clearly, not the vast majority and have environmental control issues. I’m trying to work on it, seeing as I’m going to have this other human in our household soon, and messes will be a-coming and I don’t want to be so caught up in having everything just so that I miss out on the important things.

I’d say the odds are definitely in my favor. I vacuum now only once a week. Once! See how far I’ve come, People? I’ve also taken to washing the floors about once a month … or so. Huge strides here. Huge. My heart swells with self pride.

This afternoon I entered the abyss that is Ikea. I was sucked in and spit out, wondering how in the hell I had spent three hours there. Ikea is like Vegas. You lose track of time. I swear they must pump extra oxygen in that place.

With FOH’s impending arrival, I’ve finally become motivated enough to get on it. We’ve only been needing some living room chairs for 10 months. I also spent a lot of time seriously scoping out the world of baby. Cribs, changing tables, lighting, etc etc etc.

That was all just way too much to have to contemplate, let alone make a decision on. While I love FOH’s soon to be room — it’s a masterpiece of imagination, with dragons, a castle and bright colors — it also poses a problem. I like bold and simple. I typically shy away from anything heavily patterned that is going to be a focal point — I prefer to use those aspects as accents to a room.

There’s a lot going on in this nursery. So I’m inclined to stay simple with everything else, like bedding and curtains. No rainbow of colors, that would just make the place look like a cluster F bomb went off. But I’m finding it increasingly difficult to find single color curtains and sheets.

As I was mid-discussion with TC over these serious life dilemmas, I received some great advice, straight from the mouth of babes. Not one, nor two, but three identical faces stared at me and simultaneously agreed that it should be the pink hearts or the blue space men. Pattern it is, according to these three.

What do I know, I’m just the adult here.

Triplets. OMFG. Can you even imagine?! Listen up you mamas with multiples, I bow to you. Just like I do to Beyoncé. You and Queen B are my heroes.

Here I am, stressed about one. Ha! When I could be looking at having to buy three of everything. Forget trying to do everything myself. Maman would have to live with us for at least two years. Probably more like four.

I suddenly felt way more competent and capable. If this Mama could handle three three year olds, surely I can conquer life with one. I can’t even tell you how high my confidence level is.

Soaring with confidence! I can do this baby thing. I might just shock even myself and do it really well. Like one of those super moms that is all creative and bakes and enjoys cooking family dinners and playing with her kids.

On second thought, I better not get too ahead of myself. I’ll just stick with soaring with confidence. For now.

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