Bubble Of Peace.

This very well could be one of the few times I mention hypnosis and hypnobabies.

You’re all like, say whaaaaat? Girl has gone cray cray.

Probably I have. I’ll take that as a big compliment. Ya’ll should know me well enough by now to know I’m one to buck the trend. I like the touchy feely out there. I have hippies that agree. Hippies, like Gurus, are important kinds of People to have around.

They know things. Important, hippy-ish things and all are pro breast feeding and all that jazz. Not that there’s anything wrong with formula and bottles! I’m not about to start pointing fingers and getting all up on my high horse because guess what!

As Mothers, I truly believe we’re all just trying to do what we think is the best thing for our baby. Even if you think it’s the worst thing, it doesn’t matter. Let’s all just be kind to one another.

Seriously, People, I’ve never seen such judgey mean spirited comments as I do from the Mamas — no offense, Mamas — but we need to get our shit together. You know, support each other regardless if we’re feeding our kids gluten free, all organic and free range food.

Back to my bucking the trend.

Being knocked up gives a girl plenty to think about. Plenty. It’s a good thing my brain still {somewhat} works and I can lay in bed with wireless internet and order books and look up all the things I want to look up.

Tell me again, what the hell did we do before Google? Besides have more time.

I’ve thought about birthing this babe from Day 1. Alright, so technically it was since week 4. Same thing.

Now while I’m all natural on a lot of things, pain sure as hell ain’t one of them. Give me the drugs. God gave People the idea for drugs for a damn good reason. You can try to tell me a Percocet doesn’t sound good to you right about now and I will never believe you.

Sounds wonderful to me.

My point here is, I avoid pain at all costs when I can. There are necessary times for drugs and childbirth was at the top of my list.

Then I started reading and during one of my yoga meditations, I had a vision. It was a Divine moment. No drugs. Not this time. I, naturally, thought this was a terrible terrible idea and cursed The People for this vision and was all, fine! you want my ass to go drug free then you show me something to help and make it quick, these weeks are ticking on by!

A few days later, I discovered Hypnobabies.

I then cursed The People again, because the more I read up on it and the more Amazon reviews I plowed through, it sounded damn good.  I wasn’t really counting on The People to deliver on this front, or more like, was hoping they wouldn’t so I had a good drug excuse.

My Hypnobabies home course arrived the other week and I am just now starting on Week 2 of it. People. This is some really good shit. Like the best maybe.

I cannot say enough good things about Hypnobabies and their techniques. Just within the first course, I have gained so much confidence and calmness in regards to having this baby. It is the first time I am thinking and actually believing, that I can do this. I can birth this baby. Naturally and relatively pain free.

Basically, Hypnobabies teaches how to induce yourself in a hypnotic state, where you are completely relaxed, throughout the entire birthing process. This makes sense that it would lessen pain in general, being so relaxed. Did you know that technically our body is capable of doing the splits or any other crazy stretch, it’s just that we can’t because of tension — precisely why if we’re put to sleep our limbs can be manipulated any which way.

The course also teaches how to reprogram your subconscious to have a positive expectation of birth and explains how, particularly in our country, we tell a very traumatic birth story. We focus on how hard it is. How difficult it will be. And so forth.

Other cultures and countries are referenced where women look forward to giving birth as a huge honor — they were never told it was supposed to hurt, and they give birth in relative silence, relatively pain free.

This goes to show just how powerful and deep programming is. If we’re never told something is going to be bad, then how can it be? The thought and idea was never there, therefore how could it exist?

This Hypnobabies stuff is life changing. I am learning things that will serve me throughout the rest of my life. Such as my Bubble Of Peace. Did you just laugh? That’s what TC did when I mentioned it.

Laughed uncontrollably and didn’t think I was serious. Then laughed even harder when I explained that my Bubble Of Peace is where, I only allow positive messages to reach me about childbirth and nothing negative that someone says to me can touch me and penetrate my Bubble Of Peace.

It’s all about the Bubble Of Peace up in here! I’ve been using it for everything. When I get in the car to drive, when I’m working, pretty much for any and everything. I just picture myself surrounded by this beautiful, protective bubble.

It makes me feel happy and protected. It’s totally cool, you can laugh. It is kinda funny.

I wasn’t going to tell TC about my hypnobirthing but part of the Bubble Of Peace is also telling your loved ones about only saying positive things to you and nothing negative in relation to hypnosis and the birth of the baby.

So I told everyone they can shit talk behind my back all they want, fine. Just not to my face. I’ll take my Bubble Of Peace, thank you very much. And be happy.

Which is why I might not mention Hypnosis and the Hypnobabies much … I’d rather just get in my Bubble, stay there and be focused then risk any conflicting messages. Even though I know ya’ll got nothing but love for me. I need the blinders for myself.

If this has peaked your interest at all in Hypnosis itself, I definitely suggest you read up in further detail. My doctor, surprisingly, is very pro hypnosis. I say surprisingly because while I adore her, she’s very … doctor-y. Very serious, scientific. Turns out though she studied medical hypnosis at great length and is a huge proponent of it. Based on it’s “scientific proof.” Straight from the source, right there.

While I know there are so many factors and so much unknown during birth and any number of things can happen, the important thing is this at least is making me feel positive, prepared and with a can-do attitude.

I’m not ruling out the drugs. I understand things happen and I have to keep myself open if need be to alternatives, but damn if I’m not going to give this all my energy and attention these last 16 weeks {holy shit, 16!!}.

Can someone tell me how I’m already at 24 weeks? I’m pratically in the third trimesster.

I better tell the little babe not to have any hasty early ideas in mind. Mama still needs to prepare! But is one ever prepared for their child?

Probably not.



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