
I can’t sleep. I’ve slept a total of maybe three hours. This weekend has been rough on the sleep front.

It’s a comfortability thing. I feel like I don’t fit in my body and I toss and turn and try to stretch out, which is hard to do with a dog at your side and two cats at your feet.

I have a general rule that says something along the lines of, after laying awake for 30 minutes it’s time to get up.

This morning I was also greeted by a growling stomach. Hunger has taken over me. I gotta say … it felt good to wake up this hungry. So I’m sitting in the kitchen right now, downing macaroni and cheese, because things like mac ‘n cheese don’t count at 6:50a.m. on a Sunday morning and well, I’m preg, so it really doesn’t count.

I think the fat and high calories will do me and Baby FOH some good. It’s about damn time! I tell ya, People, it is hard work growing a human.

My sister in law said recently over the holidays, you’ll have this baby and marvel at the fact that you created it and then you’ll realize why you were so tired.

I’d say that’s about accurate.

It’s hard to remember at times that there is a full fledged living soul in me. I still need to be kinder and gentler to me. Cut myself a break. Of course I’m not going to feel like myself!

But I forget this a few hundred times each day. I go to walk Murph and beat myself up because I’m slower. My legs feel like they literally won’t move and my heart is pounding.

I do yoga and cut my routine by 15 minutes and hear the critic in me saying I’m just giving up, or maybe I don’t really feel like doing it even when I know it’s the best thing for me.

I do a 100 kettlebell swings and question why I’m not doing 500-700 like before. What the hell. Is wrong with me?!

Please don’t actually answer that question.

I’m adding, kind to me, to my 2014 goal list. I need to print this list out and hang it in every room. Otherwise I’ll forget what it is I’m even supposed to be working on.

Now that I’ve fully done a carb load, I think it’s time to give sleep a shot again. I still find it incredibly odd that even close to 7:30 in the morning, it remains pitch black dark out.

Not the case in the ‘hoods of Virignia. But it makes for an easier sleep time. I’m hoping this sleep interruption is short lived. If it’s one thing I love, it’s my sleep.

Keep warm and sleep on, People.

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