
Well, no beach. Not yet. That’s okay, I won’t feel betrayed. I’ll just keep imagining.

And doing yoga. I felt a little out of sorts yesterday that I didn’t get my walk on. I might be dedicated, but I’m not insane. Murphy and I have no business walking in the negatives.

I was proud that even on Sunday, Brother and I got out with the dogs. It’s harder for me to stay motivated in winter, so I try to walk as much as possible with Brother. We made it 50 minutes before it started pouring rain.

I do mean pouring. 20 minutes spent trying to haul my little legs faster and faster back to the house, with Baby FOH pressing down on my bladder {so lovely}, could have been way worse. It could have been the whole time, and my ass still would have walked in that rain.

I take that back, maybe I am a little insane.

Not that I’m keeping score track or anything, but yesterday and today will be only the fourth day I’ve missed walking in over a year and a half. I’ve spent the last two years and five months getting the yoga on each day.

What we do every day defines us. According to Yogi Bhajan, it takes:

40 days: To change a habit.
90 days: To confirm the habit.
120 days: You are the new habit.
1,000 days: Mastery of the new habit.

I’m not trying to tell you this to make you feel bad about yourself or lift myself up higher. I want you to know that it is possible and it can be done.

This is the great thing about yoga — you don’t need an hour or thirty minutes — even 15 minutes, and you will reap the benefits. This is real life we’re dealing with here and we are all busy humans being.

That’s why I suggest not overly committing with a time in mind, just a general commitment to do each day.

I had one day where I was so sick with a stomach virus, so I took just ten minutes for some gentle stomach poses. Hey, it counts.

There is something magical about movement. I’m not sure how to adequately describe it, but there is a shift and a change that happens when we move our energy.

To be happy, we must move. I firmly believe that. Even if that means starting with something as simple as long deep breathing — it counts and it does move our energy, too.

If our habits truly are what define us, then let’s make it something good. Choose something healthy for you. Feed your soul, it will give you time to be.

In what can be a frenetic paced world, we need more be time. I’m convinced that is where our Truths and Answers lie.





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