
I’m not big on stuff. I don’t want to collect shit tons of items that just end up accumulating dust and becoming … well, stuff.

It was an eye opening experience to see all Maman had to deal with stuff-wise in regards to Gpa’s estate. As she and my aunt and uncle went through piles of old mail from 20+ years ago, I vowed to not let that become me.

Besides, TC has enough stuff to last me the next three lifetimes. So I am very choosy when it comes to buying anything for our home and letting things pile up.

But, as life goes, piles have sprung up. With Baby FOH’s impending arrival, I’ve been trying to find the inner inspiration to get a move on. Primarly I’m speaking about our basement.

Oh, the basement. The dear, dear basement. I actually love it. I love the old bathroom stall, original from the 20’s when the house was built. Which, as a sidenote, did I ever mention that The BF’s grandfather built our house? How’s that for coming for circle?

I have a strong preference to the basement. It’s pretty large, with two additional rooms, which come in handy, plus a shower. Does it need work? Hell yes. But the potential is unreal.

I’m not sure what it is about basements, as Fung Shui points out, that tend to serve as our past dumping grounds, of sorts. But they completely do. There are simply too many boxes for my liking and things that The BF and I haven’t used in at least two years.

This is already breaking my rule of: if I’ve had something for a year and can’t remember it and/or haven’t used it — it gets tossed.

The BF, bless his soul, got to work for me the other week and started clearing. Which meant all that shit was just moved to the garage, so now the garage is a disaster. I understand full well that it is necessary to move it before loading it to haul off to the dumpster/GoodWill, but still …

I feel like it’s just transferring shit piles from one place to another. To me, that’s a dangerous trap to get into. I’m trying to inspire to inspire {i.e. have Brother and The BF do it} to get all the shit out of the garage and GONE. For good!

And then work on having the basement painted pre-FOH arrival. Not like I’m even going to venture into that task. These are the things that I will gladly pay someone to do.

Like anything, all this “stuff” of ours, is all perspective. To me, what seems like a lot, TC scoffs at. Well, that’s no surprise. His entire basement is filled to the brim with things he claims are, heirlooms! Don’t you dare get rid of any of it when I die or I will haunt you!.

My perspective was put into perspective late last night as I was turning the kitchen lights off and going up to bed. The cats had knocked over a candlestick holder on the dining room table and I went to put it back in its place.

Now in all fairness, I really wasn’t trying to spy. I wasn’t. But can I help it if all my lights are out and my neighbors are on in his back bedroom … the back bedroom that was filled top to bottom with … hell, I can’t even put it into words.

It wasn’t just boxes. It was … everything. A monstrous compilation of clothes, toys, kitchen wares {unopened!} … you name it, I saw it and I was rendered speechless.

And kinda sorta a little afraid. I still can’t shake the sight from my mind. It seemed like the whole room could go up in flames at any second from too much stuff!

Right then and there, I felt wonderful about myself. So damn good. I felt like I was the most organized, on it person in the entire Universe. I started beaming with self pride, I even think I felt Higher Self giving me some pats on the back.

It can always be worse right, People? Let’s be thankful for what we do have and are accomplishing and if you, too, are feeling the accumulative effects of too much stuff, just watch one of those TLC hoarder shows.

See. Don’t you feel better now?

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