Spring, Officially.

It’s been said that the Spring Equinox is, The Growth Of Light.

Spring Equinox represents a perfect balance of time … of light and dark. Which really, I think pretty much sums up life … afterall, it is a balance between light and dark, isn’t it?

Neither one can exist without the other.

This is a big time of celebration in spiritual cultures and a permeating theme in ancient civilizations … “It marks the passion, death and resurrection of world deities, who’s very lives follow the process of the sun in the cosmos and who’s lives all share shocking similarities to one another despite being separated by vast distances and time.”

So while we all might be jumping for joy that spring has {omfg finally!} arrived, it’s also a time to pause and reflect on the significance of these Earthly cycles we experience.

It’s been said that the journey of the sun relates to our own individual path to enlightenment. That means I’m going to try and be light and lighter today.

Easier to do on a day representing warmer days, bluer skies, fluffier clouds and blooming flowers ahead.

Note: I don’t actually know if the sky really is bluer or clouds any more fluffy in spring — they just look like they are — and that’s good enough for me.

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